
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Clown's Prayer Authur Unknown

I don't consider myself a clown; however, this "CLOWN'S PRAYER" seems to fit quite well with my intentions and purposes of posting. I hope that I will make you smile.

"Dear Lord, as I stumble through this life

help me to create more laughter than tears,

dispense more happiness than gloom,

spread more cheer than despair.

Never let me become so blase that

I fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a child,

or a twinkle in the eyes of the aged. "

"Never let me forget my work

is to cheer people,

make them happy, make them laugh,

make them forget at least for a moment

the unpleasantness in their life.

Never let me acquire success to the point

that I discontinue calling on my Creator

in the hour of need,

acknowledging and thanking Him

in the hour of plenty.

And in my final moment

may I hear Him whisper,

'When you made my people smile,

you made Me smile'."

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