
Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm going to blog about Mobile today. WHY??? IT'S EVERYWHERE :) Are you listening to your customers? How do you talk to your Customers? IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, A SHIFT HAS TAKEN PLACE.

The shift…People have started moving away from their home computers and laptops, and EVERYTHING IS GOING MOBILE...

Think about it...Your phone has become an extension of your arm. We sleep with our phones, eat with our phones, text while watching TV, text in bed, text in the bathroom, text on the toilet, (yes, you text on the toilet!)  text in airports, text at church, text while we are actually on the phone!

The reality today is that if you are not communicating to the only device that consumers carry with them everywhere - odds are you are NOT communicating with them - at least not effectively. 

The most cost effective way to reach Your customers - Text Message Marketing with iZigg.

Text messaging is used to directly and personally reach customers anytime and anywhere. Businesses can immediately launch unlimited sales campaigns and advertise to their customers easily, quickly and with great accuracy. Mobile marketing is the most direct link to businesses’ customers and employees.

As a business owner you may ask "why texting"? Being an early or at least an earlier adopter of marketing methods through digital devices can only benefit your business. And text messaging is much more targeted and gets a much faster response than any other advertising medium.

So if you want to be a part of the next HUGE TREND in business and tap into the millions of eyes, here is your chance for the first time to do just that.  With conversion rates as high as 68% and a entry point as low as $14.95 a month - Why are you waiting?

iZigg. It’s where the eyes are, so don’t miss out!                                                                                

To Start Your Text Messaging Campaign today with a brand New Advertising Medium:
1)  Pick a iZigg Monthly plan (there are no contracts or credit checks)
2)  Sign up for the selected monthly plan iZigg Sign up
3)  Personalize, Promote, Play (see below iZigg monthly plans)
4)  Customers will opt in to your campaigns - iZigg software handles it all

iZigg Monthly Plans

Get Your Keyword now at iZigg for your Business – Start immediately

Through the iZigg iConnect plan and higher you will be able to create an opt-in list of subscribers as large as you desire. You will start by creating a keyword that your members or customers can easily remember text into 90210. They will be able to easily join your group, receive an enrollment offer and receive subsequent messages. With the ability to instantly send your messages via either our easy to use mobile dashboard or your mobile phone the iConnect plan can send updates, alerts, new product announcements, coupons and more. You can even setup and run a raffle within minutes!

Join iZigg as a Agent. Get a discount on products and make money when you refer friends and businesses.

Join iZigg 90210 Mobile Media as Sales Agent on the Best Team

Wednesday, June 1st. CHECK THIS OUT! 9 PM EST / 8 PM CST / 6 PM PSTiZigg 90210 - Tipping Point Approaches! Register Now: INVITE GUESTS!


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